Saturday, November 29, 2008

It now fits

Hooray! It now fits. My Mom and Kristin were at Bukoos and found a really nice kitchen sink. I gave Kris and my Mom the measurements of the old sink but gave them the measurements of the under part of the sink as opposed to the upper part which she measured. So instead of double checking the measurements I pulled out the old sink and found out the hard way that the new sink was to small for the sink hole. Well, we had two choices, we buy another new sink that fits the hole or put new counter tops in. It came out 6's so my friend Dave & I put new counter tops in. There was a big burn spot on the old counter anyway so why not. It was fun and really cool to learn something new, and I believe well worth the effort. I bet you all are wondering, why didn't you put the old sink in? And to answer that I banged it up pulling it out.


  1. Wow! that warms your kitchen up a lot! I'll have to come by and see it in person!

  2. The counters look beautiful. I think it was worth all the work and wrong measurements LOL. Missing you all!!!
